

夜更かししてiPadのプレゼン音声をUstreamで聞きつつ、engadgetでiPad祭りを追ってました。Steve Jobsさらに痩せましたね。。これはKindleとかよりよっぽど魅力的です。もうちょっとPC寄りのものを求めてましたけど、結局噂通りiPhoneOSでしたね。。


MacOS vs Windows
iPod vs Walkman
iPhone vs Android mobile
iBook vs Amazon Kindle




Appendix:Steve JobsのPresentation中の某氏とのChat...の自分の方だけ
自分: This is same thing i have imagine http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/live-from-the-apple-tablet-latest-creation-event/?sort=newest&refresh=30
自分: iPad battery ...10hr. that's so good! 0.5inch is so thin!!
自分: this gadget will change the world...i think
自分: i think iPad change the market of e-book completely.
we can read news paper by using this tool.
自分: however this iPad is same as iPhone without the point the screen is bigger than that of iPhone...
We can download SDK from apple website today.
自分:NewYorkTimes and Apple....
自分: NewYorkTimes has a plan to roll out their online news service for iPad.
自分: NewYorkTimes has a good viewpoint, i think.
It was also faster than other company to join in websphere.
自分: Oh, Steve Jobs came back again and begin presentation again.
自分: Apple vs. Amazon
Apple iPad vs Amazon kindle
自分: However iPad has more rich client than Kindle.
自分: iPad will change the market of books...
We can buy books on iPad like the case of music on iTunes.
i have no idea to buy kindle.
自分: however i don't know which will be winner.
Amazon has a large market place of books on web already.
However Apple doesn't have.
Only way to be winner is to use iTunes.
自分: However Japanese e-book market is stop because of the matter of Google.
So iBook can't join the Japanese market, i think...
We have heard the word "Kindle" a lot in this presentation....
iPad is not just "large iPhone".
we can use iWork (one of the software like Excel, Word, Powerpoint) on iPad.
iPad can sync everything with iPhone...
It is not direct, through iTunes.
International deals by June....
Oh,this is not expensive...
自分: $499
自分: wi-fi model will be also on sale.

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